Monday, June 11, 2012

Shilajit - Uses and Benefits

Wellness For Life - Shilajit - Uses and Benefits
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Do you know about - Shilajit - Uses and Benefits

Wellness For Life! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

According to the legends noted in India shilajit is determined as nectar or amrit of God given to mankind to live life youthfully and become immortal forever. Shilajit generally called, as shilajitu in ayurvedic terms is a kind of resins that oozes out from Himalayan Mountains due to heating effect of sun in summers. It is pale brown to blackish brown in colour. This resin is soft in texture, slimy to touch, pure and heavy. It is soluble in water. Others names by which shilajit is noted are asphaltum, mineral pitch, and girij.

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How is Shilajit - Uses and Benefits

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Shilajit is an end goods of plant matter that has decomposed centuries ago and got dumped in mountains and due to pressure, got preserved in mountains. Shilajit is found in Himalayan region especially in Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet and kumaon area in India

Shilajitu is determined has ushan virya i.e. It possess hot potency, which makes it, fight against the ailments caused by vata disorder. It possesses katu, tickt and kashaya rasa and possesses laghu (light) and ruksh (dry) properties, which helps it in acting the way it works. Due to nearnessy of these properties shilajit acts as vata and kapha suppressant, it also helps in moderating pitta dosha. Shilajit is said to comprise many biochemical's, in general fulvic acid but humic acid, uronic acids, hippuric acid, benzopyrones, phenolic glycosides and amino acid are also present. Shilajit should never be taken in raw form, first it is purified and then used.

Shilajit is widely used in preparation of ayurvedic medicines and is regarded as one of the most prominent ingredient in ayurvedic theory of medicine. It is a part noted ayurvedic medicines like chandraprabha vati, arogya vardhani vati, and most prominent of all Chawanprash. It works as a great anti oxidant thereby delaying aging.

Shilajit has been indicated in number of diseases as mentioned below: -

· Due to ushan virya in potency shilajitu is said to have properties that suppresses pain, as it acts directly on vata thereby helping out in suppressing it, as it is the cause of initiation of pain.

· A very good remedy in arthritic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout and other joint connected problems and back pain

· Has a very good pain relieving effect in any kind of injury and muscular pain

· Due to similar asset mentioned above shilajit is said to work as anti-inflammatory substance. It works very similar to as the working of betamethasone a glucocortocoid.

· Shilajit is determined as an agent which helps in strengthening our nervous theory there by very helpful in nervous disorders like paralysis, hemiplegia etc.

· Shilajit is determined as drug of option in disorders like depression, reasoning stress, epilepsy and reasoning fatigue.

· Shilajit helps in promoting brain level and also works in promoting reasoning attentiveness thereby enhancing the studying skills.

· Wonderful results have been seen in abdominal disorders like pain, gastritis, indigestion and constipation

· Good results have been seen in piles and fistula connected problems.

· It helps liver to work normally therefore helps in proper secretion of all the juices and enzymes prominent for proper metabolism in body.

· It helps in purifying blood due to its anti microbial action.

· Another use of shilajit is that it works against any microorganism hence has an anti microbial activity therefore helps in relieving body from any kind of foreign invasion.

· Helps in building body's natural immunity thereby beneficial in providing natural power to the body.

· Very effective in disease connected to heart as it a pitta moderator

· Shilajit is also effective in controlling blood pressure levels by bringing it to normal levels.

· Works as a kapha suppressant therefore helps in countering cough and helps in releasing sputum from the respiratory tract. It has also been found effective in asthmatic condition

· Very prominent herb in ayurvedic theory of medicine, which helps in increasing strength

and stamina power in men. It works as an aphrodisiac agent thereby helps in increasing sperm count and also helps in bettering the ability of sperms. It also helps in regulating sex hormones for proper functioning. It has been regarded as Indian viagra as it is very helpful in enhancing sexual powers.

· Shilajit is well used in treating diabetes cases, as it is very helpful in metabolizing glucose in blood stream.

· It is strongly recommended in renal calculi cases, as it is very effecting in crushing calculi due to its tickt rasa property. It is also beneficial in enhancing proper functioning of kidneys.

· Good results have also been seen in infection in urinary tract and helps in relieving from symptoms like dysurea and burning micturation.

· Excellent results have been discovered when shilajit is applied in medo roga (obesity). It possesses this asset because of its laghu (light) and ruksh (dry) properties. It helps in scrapping away of extra fat accumulated in body thus helps in providing slim and salutary looks to the body.

· Shilajit is highly recommended in patients who are weak or have been recovering from continued illness or from any surgery.

· Shilajit helps in supplementing the minerals (like phosphorus, calcium and magnesium) and vitamin scantness in body

· Shilajit provides power to the body and has been mentioned as rasayan by Acharya Charak, the great Indian ayurvedic healer, and has recommended its daily use to enounce physical and reasoning power and to enounce youth and to attain long life.

Know more about Shilajit Anti aging, Aphrodisiac Herb, Feel Young, growth Sex Drive, Uses and Benefits by visiting

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